In 2005, the NMHU FASA started with the tenured and tenure track faculty (including department chairs) claiming the right to collectively bargain for their working conditions. In 2007, the first faculty CBA was ratified by the Regents and faculty at NMHU. Currently, the Faculty Association has successfully negotiated its fourth contract (2016-2019).
In 2015, the NMHU General Staff were organized successfully and joined our union. Currently, the General Staff are negotiating their first CBA. We will keep you posted on their progress.
In 2016, the NMHU Professional Staff were organized successfully and joined our union. Currently, the Professional Staff have officially requested of President Minner to begin bargaining their first CBA. We will keep you posted on their progress.
Currently, we are working with AFT to organize our grant funded staff positions. The NMHU Administration is fighting the organization of this unit, stating that temporary staff members do not have the right to organize. We adamantly disagree with their position and are currently in litigation against them in District Court.
Currently, we are working with AFT to organize our contingent faculty, at their request. This group of faculty includes the term, retained term, and adjunct faculty.