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Professional Staff Information

The NMHU Staff Association has two bargaining units, the General Staff and the Professional Staff Associations. Each bargaining unit has its own officers and committee members according to the Bylaws of the NMHU FASA. 

The Professional Staff Association is a bargaining unit in the NMHU FASA.  The Professional Staff Association represents professional staff positions at NMHU that are not classified as supervisory or confidential.  To determine if your position is covered by the Professional Staff Association, please contact the President. 

Every two years, according to our Bylaws, we elect new officers and committee members.  The current officers and committee members are:

Executive Team:

President:  Margaret Apodaca

Vice President:  Ron Garcia 

Treasurer: Ivy Romero

Secretary:  Yvette Wilkes

At Large: Everett Delgado 

Collective Bargaining Team:

Chief Negotiator:  TBD

Members:  Margaret Apodaca, Ivy Romero, Ron Garcia, Everett Delgado, and Johnny Deschamps

Grievance Team:

Chair:  TBD

Members:  TBD

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