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About Us

The NMHU Staff Association has two bargaining units, the General Staff and the Professional Staff Associations. Each bargaining unit has its own officers and committee members according to the Bylaws of the NMHU FASA. 

The Professional Staff Association is a bargaining unit in the NMHU FASA.  The Professional Staff Association represents professional staff positions at NMHU that are not classified as supervisory or confidential.  To determine if your position is covered by the Professional Staff Association, please contact the President. 

Every two years, according to our Bylaws, we elect new


The NMHU Staff Association has two bargaining units, the General Staff and the Professional Staff Associations.  Each bargaining unit has its own officers and committee members according to the Bylaws of the NMHU FASA.

General Staff Association

The General Staff Association is a bargaining unit in the NMHU FASA.  The General Staff Association represents non exempt employees at NMHU.  As such, the General Staff Association is the sole and exclusive bargaining unit for the non exempt employees in various units at NMHU.

Every two years, according to our Bylaws, we elect new officers and committee


The NMHU Faculty Association represents the tenured and tenure track faculty at NMHU.  The NMHU FA is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all tenured and tenure track faculty.  We recognize the NMHU Faculty Senate as our partner in protecting the governance rights of our union members.  In fact, our CBA ensures that our Faculty Handbook must be followed.

Every two years, according to our Bylaws, we elect new officers and committee members.  The current officers and committee members are:

Executive Team:

President:  Dr. Kathy Jenkins

Vice President: Dr. Orit Tamir

Secretary:  Dr. Mike


In 2005, the NMHU FASA started with the tenured and tenure track faculty (including department chairs) claiming the right to collectively bargain for their working conditions.  In 2007, the first faculty CBA was ratified by the Regents and faculty at NMHU.  Currently, the Faculty Association has successfully negotiated its fourth contract (2016-2019).

In 2015, the NMHU General Staff were organized successfully and joined our union.  Currently, the General Staff are negotiating their first CBA.  We will keep you posted on their progress.

In 2016, the NMHU Professional Staff were organized


The NMHU Faculty and Staff Association (NMHU FASA) is a joint local with membership in both the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) chartered on October 1, 1998. As a joint local, we work with both of our unions to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all employees, while we provide a quality education to our students.  Our NMHU FASA has three bargaining units to date:  

·      NMHU Faculty Association- represents all tenured and tenure track faculty

·      NMHU General Staff Association (non-exempt) – represents non exempt employees

·      NMHU

The AFT represents higher education faculty (including both full- and part-time), professional staff and graduate employees, in all sectors of higher education—public and private, two-year and four-year institutions of higher education. MORE

Learn the history of the AFT, including the union's founding in Chicago in 1916, its affiliation with the AFL-CIO, its battles for workers and human rights and its continued work to uphold the proud traditions on which the union was created.


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