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Take Action


If you are not a member of the NMHU Faculty and Staff Association, we invite you to join today!  The strength of our union comes from our dues paying members and the overwhelming support we have from all NMHU faculty and staff.  Because of you, we are able to advocate for strong contract language in our CBAs, as well as fair and equitable working conditions for all employees at NMHU.  Join the union and become a part of the movement!

To join, download the Membership Application (here) and return it to a bargaining unit president:

            Dr. Kathy Jenkins- Faculty Association


By joining AFT New Mexico, you are joining a force of school professionals who together, have the power to bargain for better wages and working conditions in your school district. Read more on how to join.


Take Action: Make your voice heard


Make your views known to those in Congress and state legislatures who represent you on the issues that affect working families every day.  Visit the AFT's Take Action page.